A Sweet Sixteen Birthday

A Sweet Sixteen Birthday
Your teenager turning sweet sixteen is a once in a lifetime event and can loom large for parents, but is an even bigger deal for teenagers! Traditionally, sixteen is the age that bridges the gap between childhood and adulthood, it is an age that in various states a person becomes legal to drive, marry, and get a job. This will have a huge impact on your child's psyche and will make them feel more grown up by default.

It is inevitable that your child will want to mark the occasion is some special way, as will you as a parent and as a family as a whole. What that celebration will be will depend on your child, their social circles, and what is on trend with other sixteen year olds at the moment. It is likely that many of their peers will be having their sixteenth around the same time.

It is common for a sixteenth birthday to be marked with a party, and this can sound a little stressful for you upon first thought. But with some careful planning and gentle compromising, it should be a day to remember - for all the right reasons!

It will help if you set aside some time to discuss the plans for the birthday celebrations with your child. Both put your point of views across and this is where you have the opportunity to make compromises, set boundaries, and voice your likes and dislikes.

Independence is just around the corner for your child, they may be planning on going to college in the next few years, or start working in a job. But, they still need your guidance. Make sure that you treat your child with respect and listen to their wants and concerns, this in turn will encourage them to respect your concerns and hopefully help a happy medium for the party or celebration be reached.

One compromise on their part that will have to be made is having adults at the party in some way or other. A nice idea can be to have a few adult family members and some teenage friends in equal measure so that there is a balance. This is something that grandparents and godparents will care about too.

If the thought of more than a few teenagers let loose in your home fills you with horror, then there is always the option for hiring a venue. This can take a lot of the heat off you when it comes to finishing on time and them all going home when the event ends.

Alternatively, your child may prefer to celebrate their sixteenth birthday with a family meal or a movie night with one or two close friends. Be sure not to assume that a party is inevitable. This is about your teenager marking their birthday special in their own way, making special memories for everyone.

Planning a birthday party can be bonding time for teenagers and parents. The planning of a major event can bring fun, conversation and a shared goal. The sense of creating a life event together will remain a good memory for a long time to come.

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