One Injustice Too Many

One Injustice Too Many
A firestorm is raging across the United States of America. The lights shining brightly from the flames of injustice that leaves one with the notion that America is not united, but clearly divided. Divided not just by race but also by class.

Each new day there seems to be a report about the death or brutal beating of a person of color by police officers. First it was a series of Black men and boys. Now we can add to that growing list of concerns Black women and girls.

If one did not know the history of America, one might be hard-pressed to believe that there was anything called the Civil Rights Movement. Are we really in the year 2015? Or have we somehow be transported back forty, fifty years?

It boggles the mind and disturbs the conscience how, in the year we are living, with a Black President that the hate amongst the races seem to have escalated instead of improving with understanding and concern for all human lives.

Are we on the verge of a race war? Or, have we already been in the midst of one, not knowing until the subsequent rise of the number of Black lives being taken by law enforcement under questionable behavior? What’s more, the continued escape of prosecution for said actions; even with eye witnesses or dash cam accounts.

How many more injustices must be suffered before change comes? How many more lives will be snuffed out before legislation changes, and the proper disciplinary actions are taken for those in law enforcement who abuse their power?

One injustice is too many. One life lost is one life too many. How many more men and women of color must lose their lives before justice is seen? How many more vigils must occur? How many more parents, children, and spouses must lose their loved ones before we truly value all lives? How many more must suffer before we truly can say, ”…one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all…”?

We stand on the cusp of a vicarious time, in which we can stand for justice for all and do that which is right. Or, we can continue to make excuses, dismiss behaviors of those in authority and be prepared for the consequences of the continued injustices taking place. No more excuses.

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